Below is a collection of our most frequently asked questions. Please click on the ‘+’ next to each Frequently Asked Question that you would like answered.

Common Questions

Yes, we require that every item has a unique barcode. If your items do not have unique barcodes on them when they arrive, we will generate and apply them at the time of receiving.

Yes we already integrate with a range of different systems. We can also build custom integrations or provide your developer with access to our REST API.

We currently do not have a licensed customs broker on staff, but we can recommend several freight forwarders to assist you or we could manage this for you working with an associated company.

Yes, we are setup to store and handle certain classes of dangerous goods (DG’s).

Popular Questions

No we do not provide cold storage. Nor do we have a temperature-controlled facility.

3PL stands for third party logistics – an outsourced method of order fulfilment. Another term used in the US to describe us is that of Fulfilment House.

We don’t insure the goods because we don’t own them. Our clients take out a stock in trade 3PL policy when they use our facility.

We have partnerships and integrations with Poste Haste, Castle Parcel, PB Couriers, DHL and courierPost.

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